There are sheet metal stampings inside the stampings. There are many places that need attention when processing and bending sheet metal stampings;

When processing and bending sheet metal stamping parts, the internal R angle should be greater than or equal to 1/2 of the material thickness. If the R angle is not made, then the right angle will gradually disappear after repeated stamping and naturally form the R angle; Its length will be slightly longer;

When processing and bending sheet metal stamping parts, the bending height should preferably be greater than 3mm. Otherwise, the size will be unstable due to too little clamping size;

Sheet metal stamping parts are easy to deform after bending. In order to avoid this situation, an appropriate amount of 45 degree reinforcing ribs can be added at the bending place, and the strength coefficient can be increased based on the principle of non-interference with other parts;

Generally, after bending of sheet metal stamping parts, there will be metal material bulge on both sides of the corner due to extrusion, resulting in a width larger than the original size. The bulge size is related to the thickness of the material used. The thicker the material, the larger the bulge point. Before bending, make a semicircle on both sides of the line with a diameter of more than 1.5 times the material thickness; To avoid this phenomenon;

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